FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long does shipping take?

A: Our shipping policy can be found here: https://naturepetlove.com/policies/shipping-policy

Q: I ordered several items but only received one package?

A: Due to logistics, we deliver from different warehouses, so it may happen that your items do not arrive in one large package.

Q: Where can I track my order?

A: During the ordering process you provided an email address or mobile phone number. You can use this contact option to receive information about the shipping status. If you have not received any information, please contact us here: https://naturepetlove.com/pages/track-your-order

Q: I have been waiting for my order for a long time, where is it?

A: You will be informed about the shipping status by email or mobile phone number. If you do not receive any information there or you feel you have been waiting too long for your order, we can request an investigation from the logistics service provider. Simply contact us here: https://naturepetlove.com/pages/contact

Q: I want to return the items.

A: No problem. You can find all information about the return process here:


If you don't know what to do, you can also contact us here: https://naturepetlove.com/pages/contact

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A heart for animals

A portion of our profits is donated to a selected animal welfare organization every year

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Free premium shipping

Free shipping worldwide

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We're here for you!

Any questions? Our team will be happy to help you at info@naturepetlove.com